Wednesday 20 October 2010

Research for Auxillary Products

Film Posters Analysis

How can I apply my findings to my own product?In conclusion, horror film posters generally have very dark and mysterious colour schemes. Red writing appears popular and also is effective as it connotes either blood, danger or death. In both the posters that I analysed, the main feature was close-up photos of people, what both look like to be female. When creating my own auxillary products I will aim to include these features so my work is as professional looking as possible.

This is the promotional poster for the film 'Infected'. The colour scheme used in the poster is very dark, using practically only black and very dark greys and blues. The poster overall is striking despite having a dark palette. The name of the film coinsides with the image featured. The extreme close-up of a clearly 'infected' persons face is quite disturbing therefore being effective and attracting the target audience. From further research, I have discovered that the symbol inside the persons eye is in fact the sign for an infected area, linking in with the title of the film. Overall, the poster appears quite simplistic only using the disturbing portrait photo and the name of the film with informtion below. Even though there is quite a lot of writing below, you are still drawn to the image and name of the film as the main focus, therefore the poster has successfuly acheived what it's made to do. You can easily establish the genre of the film and even roughly guess some of the storyline. The tagline, 'How can you kill what is a part of you?' gives the viewer a vague idea of what the film's about but still raises important questions resulting in people going to see the film as they want these queries answered.

This poster is for the horror film The Grudge. At a first glance, the image for the poster is quite disturbing. It features what looks like a girls portrait but a lot of her face is covered by hair and the only part of her face that you can see is her eye. You can tell that her facial expression is that of shock and she looks scared. This emotion is trying to be passed on to the viewer and could make them feel uncomfortable and feel quite scared, giving the impression that the film is scary too. As my target audience get a 'thrill' from horror movies they will be interested in this film and will most probably have a positive response to this particular poster. The overall look of the poster is very dark and mysterious, the audience are not given much to go by, but it keeps them guessing ultimately making them want to go and see the film. The colour of the font given for the name of the film is bright red contrasting greatly to the rest of the poster. This makes it stand out so the target market immeadiately see the name of the film, then at a closer look the features of the girl. Red has connotations of danger and blood and so this also fits in with the genre of horror. The tagline 'It never forgives. It never forgets.' is quite haunting and is easy to remember, but also asks questions about the film. These questions can only be answered by people going to see the flm for themselves, ultimately resulting in a successful horror movie.

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