Friday 8 October 2010

Marketing Platforms & Conventions

How can I apply my findings to my own product? I have learnt that the cinema is an effective platform to showcase trailers on. You can show the trailer alongside films that have a similar genre, therefore the audience might be more likely to be interested in the film. I will apply this knowledge to my auxiliary products, eg. with my decided film genre, create my magazine review in a magazine that is geared towards my chosen genre. Regarding the conventions powerpoint, I have learnt some of the key conventions to a successful trailer. I will take these on board and try to include as many as possible so my final product is professional and strong

Where do you most commonly see film trailers?

The most common place I see film trailers is on the television. This is without purposely seeking them out, if I am watching a programme and there are adverts with the trailer then I will watch it. If I purposely want to watch a trailer then I will use 'youtube' but sometimes this can be unreliable as they do not always have the official trailer. I often check the Apple website for the newest trailers as they contain the upcoming releases and you can view them normally or in HD. The website also features information about the films and has links to the official film websites.

I think that the different locations you can view the trialer do change your response to it, for example if I were to watch a trailer in the cinema, I would have no choice but to sit there and view it, whereas if viewing online, it is so simple to just exit the trailer or skip past it if it does not interest me. A cinema almost 'forces' you to watch it and you can place it before films that have a similar genre to your film, therefore being a more effective marketing platform.

Conventions Presentation:

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