Thursday 9 December 2010

Auxiliary Product Development

When designing a poster for a film you have to ensure that your poster has a linking element to your film - most importantly your trailer. These are the two most popular marketing platforms and depending on how they are made, can make or break a film. Throughout all my products I intend to have a linking font. Meaning I will use the same font for the name of my film on my trailer and on my poster. If the consumer sees the trailer on television then the poster at a bus stop for example, using linking themes enables them to identify these products as one.

I have chosen the 4th font down, Sycanthorpe. I don't think it looks too cartoony, and I can imagine it being used in a profession trailer. I will use this font to combine all my products together.

Below, are all my options for the font regarding my poster, and the one I'll be using in my trailer.

Trailer Outcome


Below is some short clips of my footage to give an idea of my shots and locations. I will then sort my footage out, choosing what works best to create my trailer. I will then add a soundtrack, special effects and whatever else neccessary to create my trailer and make it successful.